High-Performance Teamwork: How to Build and Lead a Team

High-Performance Teamwork: How to Build and Lead a Team

Succeed at Building a High Functioning Team

About This Workshop

If you want to succeed at building a high-functioning team, this training will give you the strategies, the mindset, and the tools you need to get started on this path. If you already have an established team, then you will learn how to take your team’s performance to the next level and how to create an enjoyable environment for your team.


Teamwork is essential. The silo approach to the growth just does not work. It requires everyone on the team to be working, and accountability is key. Having a bunch of hardworking individuals isn’t enough. Chemistry isn’t necessarily the answer either.

No matter what, it is the leader’s responsibility to bring the team together and lead them to victory. 

Who Should Attend

This course is best suited for:

  • Supervisors seeking to develop the individual, group, and one-on-one leadership skills to keep up with evolving management roles and responsibilities.
  • First-time leaders with a desire to improve their team’s performance
  • Established leaders in need of building a strong and high-functioning team
  • Potential leaders in need of preparation for a future leadership position

Ideal attendee roles include (but are not limited to) Leaders, Managers, and Service professionals who are responsible for managing and leading teams. 

How You Will Benefit

As a result of attending this training you will be able to:

  • Develop interpersonal skills that help you communicate, listen and handle conflicts in your supervisory role
  • Become more effective at influencing others
  • Accomplish goals and control outcomes when dealing with staff, peers, management, and other departments
  • Learn how to work with groups and teams to solve problems and accomplish projects
  • Hold performance discussions that result in changed behavior and enhanced productivity
  • Analyze your own style of behavior and recognize your strengths/weaknesses

What You Will Learn

  • Promoting Teamwork: How to link up with others for consistent and better performance
  • Big Picture Thinking: The importance of focusing on the goals instead of the individual roles
  • Applying The Law Of The Niche: Leading a successful team involves putting people in spots where they can excel. 
  • The Law Of Mount Everest: As the challenge escalates, the need for teamwork elevates. To climb past the obstacles to your dream, you need to have a team of peak performers working in unison and clicking on all cylinders. 
  • The Law Of The Chain: The strength of the team is impacted by its weakest link. The power and momentum of a team may be able to compensate for a weak link in the short term, but not forever. Eventually, weak links will pull the entire team down to their level.
  • The Law Of The Catalyst: Winning teams have players who make things happen. Catalysts have an uncanny ability to take action. When others are content to settle for “good enough,” catalysts push a team toward its full potential.

What You Will Learn (cont.)

  • The Law Of The Compass: Vision gives team members direction and confidence. People continually need to be shown the team’s compass clearly and creatively so that their actions align and they stay motivated by a captivating picture of the future. 
  • The Law Of The Bad Apple:  Rotten attitudes ruin a team. Talent and experience aren’t contagious, but attitude is infectious. Someone with a bad attitude may not be doing anything unethical, and they may not be underperforming either. However, their negativity will eventually undermine the morale of the team. 
  • The Law Of Countability:  Teammates must be able to count on each other when it counts. Countability means being able to place absolute faith in your teammates, regardless of the situation. 
  • The Law Of The Price Tag: The team fails to reach its potential when it fails to pay the price. Only by making sacrifices, committing time, and being unselfish does a team pay the price required to win. 
  • The Law Of The Scoreboard:  The scoreboard aids evaluation in that it measures your progress against concrete goals. The team can then make adjustments when it knows where it stands and start moving toward the desired  goal
  • The Law Of The Bench: The best team leaders pay attention to the players on the bench in addition to the players in the spotlight. After all, today’s bench players may be tomorrow’s stars. Also, you never know when a star performer will transition away from the team, and you don’t want to be left with a gaping hole that no one else can fill. 
  • The Law Of Identity: Shared values define the team. Just as personal values influence and guide an individual’s behavior, organizational values set the standard for a team’s performance.
  • The Law Of Communication:  Interaction fuels action. Communication brings to light disagreements so that teammates can hammer out their differences and move forward in unison. 
  • The Law Of The Edge:  The difference between two equally talented teams is leadership. Leaders are lifters. While managers may sustain a team at its current level, it takes a leader to elevate the team higher than it has gone before. 
  • The Law Of High Morale: When you’re winning, nothing hurts. Winning magnifies the positives and makes problems appear small. With each victory, a team gains more energy, and its confidence grows. 
  • The Law Of Dividends: Investing in the team compounds over time. While you may not notice the immediate impact, eventually your investment will prove to be well worth the time and effort you’ve expended. Focus on faithfully adding value to others, and they’ll repay you by taking the organization to new heights. 

Delivery Options

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