Launch Your Coaching Business


Launch Your Coaching Business

Learn how to launch your own successful coaching business with this comprehensive 12 module course.

  • Module1: What is Coaching

    Lesson 1: Introduction, History, and Welcome

    Lesson 2: Why coaching and why now

    Lesson 3: Myths about coaching

  • Module 2: Coaching Areas of Practice

    1. Business Coaching: Sales, Marketing, Strategy, Real Estate, Financial
    2. Leadership Coaching
    3. Life Coaching: Relationship Coaching, divorce, Marriage, Dealing with a Loss, Better Sex, Dating, Parenting
    4. Executive Coaching
    5. Health and Wellness Coaching: Fitness, 
    6. Career Coaching

  • Module 3: Market Analysis

    Lesson 1: Size of the industry

    Lesson 2: Why now is the time

    • Today is the best time to become a coach
    • The coaching industry is the fastest-growing sector in the world
    • Great news: 95% of coaching is conducted online

  • Module 4: The Moment of Decision - What started it all

    1.1: Passion: What are you so crazy passionate about?

    What’s your reason for what you do? Business, job, cause?

    What can’t you stand watching happening or not happening?

    1.2: Drive: What is it that keeps you going despite the obstacles?

    What pain are you trying to alleviate?

    What pleasure are you trying to move towards?

    Why entrepreneurship and why now?

    What’s likely to happen if you wait one more day to get started?

    What’s likely to happen if you don't do it at all?

    What’s the ultimate reward for you and the people you are serving?

  • Module 5: Identity and Self-Awareness

    1. Who are you? How do you define yourself?
    2. What view do you have of yourself?
    3. What image do you project to others?
    4. How do you think people view you?
    5. How would you want them to view you?
    6. Why is it important to you that they view you a certain way?
    7. If their view of you differs from your view of yourself, how does that make you feel?
    8. Who do you aspire to become and why do you want to become that person?
    9. Do you believe you can become that person?
    10. What will that person enable you to do that you are currently not doing?
    11. Where do you draw your strength from?
    12. What are your unique abilities and strengths?
    13. Are you playing to those strengths every day? Why or why not?
    14. How do you get yourself back up when life knocks you down?
    15. What are the top 5 things about yourself you are so proud of?

  • Module 6: Mastering Your Mindset

    3.1: Identify the rules and expectations that have been imposed on you and how they have controlled you all your life

    3.2: 5 Keys for Progress in Business and Life

    3.2.1: Key 1: Feed and Condition Your Mind

    3.2.2: Key 2: Feed and Condition Your Body

    3.2.3: Key 3: Proximity

    3.2.4: Key 4: Role Models

    3.2.5: Key 5: Implementation and Massive Action

    3.3: How to rebuild Your Mind

    3.3.1: Change and Refine Your Beliefs about Self, People and Business

  • Module 7: Building Your Business

    Learn ten strategies to help keep the focus on opportunities for growth, progress, and achievement that arise when the world around us gets more turbulent. This session will support your creative thinking, communications, and actions as you navigate the months ahead.

  • Module 8: The Basic Truths

    • Business is all about making someone else’s life better. No more no less.
    • People seek your services because of a need/problem but they stay and keep on buying from you because of the experience they’ve had through your product
    • Don’t expect customers to fall in love with you but strive to get them to fall in love with your product/service
    • Customers don’t care about you, your product, or even the history of your company. Deep down in their hearts. they care about the solutions that your products provide and the experiences they create through your product. And don’t worry too much about not being loved.. If they fall in love with your product, they will sing your praises and i think that’s more than enough
    • People don’t buy based on price but they buy based on the value they associate your product/service with
    • When you focus on the sale, you almost always lose it.

    Bottom line, stop selling your products...start sharing the experiences that the product creates

  • Module 9: Refine Your Offer

    Niche Down

    It’s true that riches are in the niches. We are living in a world where as entrepreneurs, our biggest competitor is not the person who sells similar products but all the distractions around the people we are trying to capture their attention.

    We are in the business of capturing attention.

    The more specific and niched you are, the easier it is to market to the people we are targeting.

    Here are some key questions to ask yourself and pay attention to:

    • What’s my core service/product
    • Among all the products and services I provide, which one is the traffic driver? Which one opens doors for me easily and which one are people likely to respond to without much resistance?
    • What’s my most profitable product/service and how can I focus on it to provide massive value to those who purchase it?

  • Module 10: Systemize

    A system is a recipe for your system. It’s a defined way of getting relatively predictable results

    There are 5 main areas of your business that need to be systemized:

    Lesson 1:Marketing: Clear message. Make a promise

    Automate your social media and networking efforts

    Lesson 2: Sales: Buying journey, articulating the benefits/solutions. Get customer involved

    Find the best tools to help with scheduling, presentations(in-person and virtual), paperwork and payment collection

    Lesson 3: Service/Product Delivery: deliver the promise and create the experience

    Lesson 4: Customer service: Proactively enhance the experience. Grow initiate relevant upsells

    Lesson 5: Retention: Scale through recurring engagement efforts: memberships/subscriptions, autoships

    Lesson 6: Close the loop: Repeat the process

    Lesson 7: My Favorite Tools and Resources

    • CRM: Hubspot
    • Proposal software: Proposify
    • Scheduling: Google calendar, calendly
    • Email marketing software: Convertkit
    • Payment processing: Stripe and Paypal
    • Email system: G Suite

  • Module 11: Master Your Craft

    Pay attention to the most impactful skills in your business.

    Some universally high-impact skills are:

    Speaking and presenting: One of the most effective ways to communicate your message

    • Story telling
    • Time management
    • Leadership

  • Module 12: Grow and Scale

    • Massive action and implementation
    • Contribution to society
    • Share your story  and mentor others

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